Hello and welcome to the blog of Naomi Winters.
These are my thoughts, the people who inspire me, the objects and designs that I like or dislike, and what I'm currently designing or making.
The exhibition selects books which reveal both the creative process and the soul of the artist in question. Some are iconic works which established the genre of the livre d’artiste after the Second World War; others are surprises from artists who are best known for their work with other sorts of material. Formats and production methods vary enormously. Some works show the virtuosity of traditional ‘hot metal’ printing techniques, others take the commercially-produced book as the starting point of their statements, yet others produce stunning large-scale installations and sculptures.
Just after Easter as a whole year we organised and set up our own exhibition. It was an interim exhibition for second years to show off our work so far. It went extremely well and those who attended were impressed with the level and quantity of work we had for second years.
Projects that I put in the exhibition were the intelligent making project my table, stamp storage project, and tractor seat project.